Renee Enterprises - Brisbane First Aid Supplies - Kit Restocking & Servicing - Warehouse Prices - Shipping Australia Wide

It is a WHS (Work Health & Safety) requirement that offices and workplaces have a fully stocked first aid kit. More importantly, the safety of your colleagues if they become suddenly sick or injured is essential in maintaining a positive and productive workplace.
Brisbane First Aid Supplies (Renee Enterprises) can help your workplace by making the restocking of your first aid kits as quick and easy as possible with our Field Representative Services - Brisbane and Gold Coast only.

Workplaces that have bought a kit from us, have the option to request our Field Representative to visit you regularly to restock your kits and to answer any questions you might have about our other services and supplies.

For more information about these two convenient first aid restocking solutions, please call 07 3390 4956 or email  

07 3390 4956

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